Don’t you just hate the fact that your partner cannot read your mind?
As women, we often have this problem of wishing and hoping that one day we’ll wake up, and our partner will be able to read our minds. We believe that this will give them the power to know exactly when to do and say the things we need.
Reality is, you’re an adult. And it’s not your partner’s job to anticipate your needs…
In this post, I’m going to be talking to you about the importance of making your needs known and what happens when you don’t. Resentment is the last thing you want to develop in a relationship so keep reading to find out how you can avoid resentment and martyrdom in your relationship!
Meeting your own needs to avoid rejection.
It is your job to make sure your needs are met because when they are not met by someone else, you’re going to feel rejected. That’s why you have to do the internal work so you can hold those feelings of rejection because rejection is never fun, right?
It’s challenging to sit with rejection but the more that you can make that okay, the less scary asking for what you need is going to be. If you are constantly waiting for your partner to read your mind, I can guarantee that you’re going to live a very unhappy life. It’s really important that you are able to be an adult and ask for what you need in a relationship and meet your own needs on the side. That’s why getting connected to yourself is KEY. You have to ask yourself what your needs and desires are so that you can be super clear with others.
Why you have to stop playing games to be happy.
What I hear women say all the time is “I don’t want to have to ask for it, I want him to just know.”
Here’s my thing…do you really want to play that game, or do you truly want to be happy? At the end of the day, men want to make us happy. They want to love us, and they want to see us smile. There’s no doubt about that, but oftentimes, they don’t know how to do that because we’re so damn complicated…
Let’s not dance around and minimize our needs. Let’s just be honest. And the more we are honest about what we want, the more permission we give to other people to be honest about their needs.
How to Let Go of Resentment & Martyrdom in Your Relationship: The Bottomline
Thank you so much for reading! I hope this post helps you get curious about yourself and your partner. Get clear on what it is you need in a relationship, what your boundaries are, and the communication you desire.
After you leave this page, I want you to go out and have really open conversations with your loved ones and see what they need. Check in with them, and recognize what their desires are and what’s coming up at the moment. How to let go of resentment in a relationship truly starts with you.
Be sure to connect with me more over on Instagram, I’d love to hear what you thought of this post and what your major takeaways were.
And be sure to secure your spot in Swipe Right! The waitlist is now open.
I get it, girl. I’ve been there too. For years, I was going through the same experiences with men over and over again that left me feeling confused, anxious and pissed off.
I silenced myself in dating and relationships because I was terrified of being judged, rejected and abandoned. It all changed when I went through a break-up and thought “enough is enough. I cannot continue to repeat the same relationships with different men! Something HAS to change!”