Hello, my loves. Today, I want to talk to you about a big word we use a lot in this space: manifestation.
I believe that we can manifest whatever it is that we want…and manifest things that we consciously don’t want.
The relationship of your dreams, the body of your dreams, the business of your dreams…you can manifest whatever desires you have. But manifesting your desires doesn’t start externally—it starts with your thoughts.
I want you to take a second to look around.
Are you sitting at your desk? Are you in your bed? What kind of sheets do you have?
Are there pictures on the desk of your family? Friends? Significant other? Does it make you happy to look at those pictures, or do they bring up negative feelings?
What about the car in the driveway? Is it clean? Is it in good shape? Or do you look at it and wish you could get rid of that piece of junk?
The people, the possessions, and every other facet of the reality that you currently have is a physical manifestation of the thoughts that you continue to think over and over and over.
And here’s what’s cool about that: if you are looking around going, “I don’t really like this. I’m not loving this car, it’s a bit old. The fucking car never starts,” or “I’m constantly in debt,” or you’re looking at your bank account and going, “I feel like I’m always in overflow. I’m never concerned about money,” or you’re looking at your relationship and thinking, “We’re always fucking fighting,” or you’re looking at it and thinking, “Yeah, this is super secure,” then here’s what I want you to know: whatever the thing is, it is a manifestation of the thoughts that you have thought and the actions that you have taken time and time and time again.
So we can manifest negative shit. But it is not an instantaneous thing.
When I first learned about the law of attraction and realized that you can think thoughts and manifest things, I thought it was amazing. It sounded like my dream. But then I got hit with this sudden fear: “Oh, my God. But if I have one negative thought, I’m going to manifest negative shit.”
That’s not how it works.
You might have a “negative thought” that isn’t reflecting high self-worth, but you get to choose whether or not to go down that spiral.
I can have a negative thought and go, “Mm, cool. Not in alignment with where I want to go. Not going down that rabbit hole.” But most people feel very out of control with their internal circumstances, which results in them feeling like they are a victim to their own mindset.
This is not the case. I don’t know who said this quote, so I apologize, but I read it somewhere: “You can’t choose your first thought, but you can choose your second.”
You can have a thought that is not in alignment with where you want to go…and then you can choose not to follow it up with a second. You don’t have to dive down that rabbit hole.
Now that we’ve covered those basics, I want to share one of the practices that I love for manifesting. It works so quickly when you’re actually convicted and actually believe it; that practice is called scripting manifestation.
When I first got introduced to the practice of scripting manifestation, I thought it was such bullshit. Like, you mean to tell me that I’m going to write all this shit down and it’s just going to come true?
I’m here now to tell you that yes. I do mean to tell you that. Because scripting manifestation fucking works.
If you aren’t familiar, scripting manifestation is the practice of writing down your desires, but in the present tense. You write down what you want, but you write about it as if it’s already happened.
Here’s an example of how scripting manifestation works: let’s say you want to manifest $50,000 in your bank account.
First, I want you to visualize what it looks like to have that $50,000 show up. Feel through what it feels like to see that number in your account. Close your eyes and just tune into that for a minute…and feel free to sub in your own number if $50,000 feels too big or too small.
Imagine your banking app. You open that banking app and you see $50,000 in your savings account. How does that feel?
Notice what’s happening in your body right now. Does it feel like safety? Does it feel like relief? Does it feel exciting? Does it feel like freedom?
Notice the thoughts coming up. “I could finally go on that fucking vacation I’ve been telling myself I was going to go on for the last seven years.” “Oh, I can finally replace my wardrobe that I’ve been wanting to replace.” “Oh, I can hire that mentor that I’ve been wanting to hire.”
Take note of what it feels like, then start to tune into gratitude for having that amount of money in your bank account.
This is where I start with scripting manifestation. Before I even write anything down, I make scripting manifestation a fucking vibe for myself. I might light a candle. I might put incense on. I usually listen to instrumental music that helps me access a feeling of being moved.
After that, I get into my body. I visualize it. I see it. I feel the feelings as if it’s already done.
From there, I start writing in my journal. I start writing my desires as if they’ve already happened.
If you don’t get what I mean by that, let’s take $50,000 in the bank account and use it as an example. Here’s what you might write while using scripting manifestation…
“Oh my gosh, I am so excited. It’s happened. I always knew it would happen. I opened my bank account today, and it said $50,000! Oh my god, it’s happened! And I felt so fucking regulated. I didn’t want to get rid of it. I didn’t feel like I had to hold onto it. It just felt right. It felt neutral. I always knew that I would get to this level and I’m so excited to see where I go from here. How am I going to spend the $50,000? I’m going to take a vacation. I’m going to invest in certain things. I want to compound it. I just want to let it sit in the bank account for a little bit because I want to relish seeing that number in my bank account.”
Writing as if it’s already happened is very important for scripting manifestation. You don’t want to write from a space of, “When I have, then I will…” or “One day I will have…” or “I hope that I can…”
No. You want to write in the present tense, as if it’s happening now.
And like I said, you can apply scripting manifestation to anything: your dream body, your dream relationship, your dream business, anything.
If you’re in Main Character Energy, you’ll know that I talk about your life being a movie. And you are playing all the roles.
You are the producer. You are the director. You are the screenplay writer. You are the star.
So if you are the screenplay writer, you get to write the script. By using the practice of scripting manifestation, you are determining how the movie goes.
When we are using the practice of scripting manifestation, I suggest being specific, but I also suggest leaving room for more than the goal you have set.
If I’m keeping this in mind while using scripting manifestation, I might say, “Oh my God, I have $200,000 in my bank account. That feels so good. This is so juicy. I just love opening my bank app and seeing that. It lights my pussy on fire. And I’m so available for 200k or more.”
Whenever I am talking to a client about a relationship not working, or when a client backs out on me or whatever, I always say that: “This, or something better.” It is going to be this, or something better, even if it doesn’t seem like it in the moment.
When I was going through my last breakup over two years ago, I was devastated. But I just kept telling myself, “It’s this or something better. It’s this or something better.” And then I met Drew, and it was leaps and bounds beyond anything I’ve ever experienced.
Sometimes when something doesn’t work out, we go, “Fuck, it’s not working. It’s not working.” But the truth is, it is working—you just don’t have the full picture yet.
And can I be honest for a second? The full picture is not even for you to know. It’s not about being outcome-focused—it’s about being in the moment and enjoying the journey of getting there.
Otherwise, you have all this shit—the 200k, the business, the relationship, the body—and you’re completely unfulfilled.
One of my favorite quotes from Amanda Francis is, “It’s not faith until it looks like it’s not going to happen, and you still believe.”
I like to anchor into the practice of scripting manifestation and putting myself in that reality in order to really root into that idea of believing even when it looks like it’s not going to happen, because that’s when it really begins to click in. That’s where things start to change.
So that is where I want to leave it for you. If you want to join Men, Money, Magnetism, this is basically the vibe of it.
We’re talking manifestation. We’re talking magnetism. We’re talking shadow work. We’re talking attachment styles with money and men, how those correlate, and how you can come into a secure attachment with money.
You can find the link for that below, but if you want to trial it out a bit, I’m going to be running a masterclass called 777, which is all about stepping into your “lucky girl era” where you get everything you fucking want. I’m going to show you how to use entitlement in your favor and really tapping into that energy of, “Yeah, duh. I know that that’s going to happen for me,” without getting into the shadow frequency of entitlement, which is actually “I should just get whatever I want and I don’t have to do anything for it.”
Don’t wait. Don’t keep telling yourself you can’t manifest shit. Try scripting manifestation. And if you want to dive deeper into how to make it happen, you can find all the things waiting for you below. See you next time!
Ready to MASTER your shadows so you can magnetise high-AF-calibre men and fuckloads of money? Join MEN, MONEY, MAGNETISM now: https://michellepanning.thrivecart.com/mmm/
It’s time to step into your LUCKY GIRL ERA and get absolutely EVERYTHING you want: https://michellepanning.thrivecart.com/777/
Join The Connected Woman EXPERIENCE: https://michellepanning.com/the-connected-woman-experience
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/michellepanning
Website: http://www.michellepanning.com
I get it, girl. I’ve been there too. For years, I was going through the same experiences with men over and over again that left me feeling confused, anxious and pissed off.
I silenced myself in dating and relationships because I was terrified of being judged, rejected and abandoned. It all changed when I went through a break-up and thought “enough is enough. I cannot continue to repeat the same relationships with different men! Something HAS to change!”