I get questions and messages ALL the time asking about The Connected Woman and I’m here today to discuss all the ins and outs of the program.
In this post, I really want to break down what this program is about and why it can bring you closer to your sense of worthiness and self-love. I don’t want to convince you to join this program for no reason but I truly want to help you make a decision that feels good!
Why I created The Connected Woman.
I originally created this program because I wanted to speak directly to people with an anxious attachment style because I understand how painful that can be. Always attracting emotionally unavailable men was literally a cycle for me so I totally get it.
In this program I see two types of women:
The first is someone who shuts out their emotions and is completely avoidant.
The second is someone who has a “protest behavior”, which is acting out, playing the victim, and being dramatic.
If you resonate with any of the above or just feel like you’re not enough, not lovable, or not worthy, then this program is probably a really good place to start. As much as we dive into your connections with men, we also dive into the connection with yourself, which is the MOST important.
The Connected Woman helps cultivate your safety.
I want you to have an embodied experience of what safety is within yourself and your relationships. If you don’t embody safety, you’re just going to be searching person after person to make you feel safe.
Of course, there is an element of safety in every relationship, but if you don’t feel safe within your own body and your own vessel, there’s no f*cking way that anybody is going to make you feel safe when you can’t even access it yourself.
What happens when you don’t feel safe?You aren’t able to express your emotions!
This is a huge part of The Connected Woman. We’re learning how to express ourselves and approach relationships differently. There are NO consequences for expressing your emotions. You think you’re going to be rejected or abandoned but that’s just the story you’re telling yourself that isn’t serving you.
What we’re doing in this program is helping you feel safe in your vulnerability so that you can expose yourself to have a deep connection with another person.
Getting clear on your thoughts.
If you have constant negative thoughts about men, you can absolutely choose another belief. If it’s not working for you and it’s not getting the results you want in a relationship, why not choose a different belief?
You can’t expect to be given what you want when you either have no idea what you want or you believe in a whole different scenario. This course is going to help you figure out what you want within yourself and within a man.
If you are also going through a breakup and your thoughts are allllll over the place, I seriously cannot think of a better thing to do than join this program. If I didn’t have this course, I would probably be back with my toxic ex.
Is the Connected Woman for You? An Inside Look at the Program and How It Can Help You Achieve a Sense of Worthiness and Self Love: The Bottomline
Thank you so much for reading! I hope this post helps you decide if The Connected Woman is for you. If you relate to anything I mentioned, I think you have your answer right there. It’s time we break down your patterns and regain your self-worth.
I get it, girl. I’ve been there too. For years, I was going through the same experiences with men over and over again that left me feeling confused, anxious and pissed off.
I silenced myself in dating and relationships because I was terrified of being judged, rejected and abandoned. It all changed when I went through a break-up and thought “enough is enough. I cannot continue to repeat the same relationships with different men! Something HAS to change!”