Hello, my loves. Let’s start with this…
Welcome to 2024. I hope you’re happy to be here, because I know I am.
You know how everybody’s always like, “Oh my God, thank God it’s Friday. Thank God it’s the weekend,” and all that?
Yeah, not me. My favorite day of the week, straight up, is Monday.
You might be going, “Uh, gross, Michelle! Mondays suck!” Listen…to each their own and whatnot, but I fucking adore Mondays.
There’s such a fresh energy at the beginning of the week. Anything could happen. It feels energizing. It feels enlivening. It feels fun. And New Year’s Day feels like that, too, but on steroids.
This is my favorite time of year. We get to look ahead with complete anticipation of what can happen for us this year, and everyone comes out guns blazing, ready to go.
However, as fucking amazing as this energy is…it can burn out fast if we aren’t careful with how we use it. So today, I’m going to talk to you about how to actually sustain that energy throughout the year.
Let’s make 2024 your best year ever, shall we?
So, I don’t believe the new year should be about setting a million fucking goals for yourself in the first month, right? So many people try to do that, and let me tell you how that story’s gonna go: you’re going to set those goals, you’re going to start today…and then three weeks in, you’re going to stop doing them, because you’ve set yourself a million tasks to do and it’s really fucking hard to keep up with.
So it’s not about setting goals. It’s about setting intentions.
Being so fucking intentional about my life has truly changed the game for me in all areas: in business, in love and relationships, with money, in friendships, with my health…everywhere.
So personally, while I don’t do goals in the traditional sense, I like to set really fucking bold intentions.
This is where I feel people go short: they set goals for themselves, they set time limits on them, and then they play in the realm of predictability.
When I’m setting intentions boldly, I don’t do that from the field of predictability.
When you try setting intentions from the realm of predictability, it means you’re setting intentions from a place of, “I’ve done this in the past. Therefore, I can do it again.”
Now, nothing’s wrong with playing in the field of predictability. It can be super helpful for building your self-confidence and can function as a really great mindset tool. But when we’re talking about setting intentions to take things from good to extraordinary—when we’re talking about actually leveling up your life—we don’t want to play in predictability anymore.
When you’re setting intentions from the realm of predictability, you’re only going to create what you have already created.
And listen…that’s fine, right? If you’re feeling like you’re cruising and you’re all good without experiencing any further growth, then by all means, play in the field of predictability.
But for me—and you, I’m guessing, since you’re here—don’t want mediocre. You don’t want just okay. You don’t want good enough.
You want extraordinary. You want a life beyond your wildest dreams. You want something that inspires you. You want something you never could have predicted.
If we’re going to create a life beyond our wildest dreams, we need to stop setting intentions in the realm of predictability and start moving into the realm of possibility.
The realm of possibility is when you look at other people and go, “Well, if she’s done it, then I can do it. If he’s done it, then I can do it. If someone else has done it, then maybe I can too.”
You don’t need to have evidence that you’ve accomplished this thing before—instead, you just have to see evidence that other people have done it.
When I say I’m setting intentions boldly, I mean I set truly fucking bold intentions…and I want to hear you do the same.
You can tell me anything. “I want to be a billionaire. I want to meet the love of my life. I want to have a third eye orgasm. I want to start a podcast. I want to start my own business. I want to have $200,000 in my bank account. I want to buy a house. I want to travel Europe.” Whatever you want to do, I promise you that there’s evidence that someone has done that.
There is evidence that people have gone from nothing to becoming a billionaire. Meeting the love of your life is really not that crazy of an idea. Moving from anxious attachment to secure attachment is something a lot of people have done, too.
So could you start setting intentions like that? Could that be something that you want to happen in 2024?
A lot of people don’t want to actually write down their true intentions. and desires,because they’re afraid of not accomplishing it. But here’s the thing: if you decide to try, there’s a 50/50 chance of you accomplishing it. Either you will or you won’t. But when you don’t do it, there’s a 100% chance it won’t happen. You choose.
I know what I’m choosing. I would rather risk it all and fall flat on my face than sit and do nothing, because afterward, I’ll dust myself off and go, “Okay. I’m all right. It hurt, I’m a little embarrassed, but I feel okay.”
Trying and failing is still better than sitting on the fucking sidelines and watching everybody else do the thing that you want to do. That’s not a life I’m available for.
Setting intentions by playing in the realm of possibility also means that when you see other people do incredible things, you choose to be inspired by them rather than envying them.
You can have your feelings of jealousy, you can have your feelings of envy, but you don’t have to stay there. Instead, you can let it inspire you into setting intentions more boldly.
My partner and I are Exhibit A of what can happen when you start setting intentions from a place of possibility, not predictability.
I was a stripper for over a decade. I was addicted to painkillers. I was pretty much an alcoholic. Drew was an alcoholic and drug addict. He was sleeping in his car for a while. He went to rehab twice. It doesn’t make sense that we have created the life that we have; that we have the relationship that we have, that we have the money that we have, that we have the businesses that we have…that I even have my podcast is insane. None of it makes sense, and none of it was even slightly predictable, but we play in the realm of possibility. We saw other people do it, so we knew we could, too.
And if you’re setting intentions and you think, “Well, I haven’t seen anybody do this before,” then…go first.
Be the first to do it. Be an innovator. Be a leader.
I think children are the most beautiful example of this, because they really allow themselves to dream big.
When you ask a kid what they want to be, they tell you, “I want to be an astronaut. I want to be a prima ballerina. I want to be the president of the United States.” And then somewhere along the way, when they grow up, things start to poke holes in their dreams. They don’t have the grades to do XYZ. They’re too short to be a prima ballerina. Whatever it is, it tells them that maybe they should dream a little smaller, and we carry that into adulthood.
Fuck that. Dream as big as you possibly can.
Here’s what happens with setting intentions and goals and dreams: you either hit that mark, or you usually fall a little bit short of it. It’s quite rare that someone will far surpass their wildest dreams, but they rarely totally fail, either. So why not dream a lot bigger than you think you should?
Let’s say you started a business, and you want to have your first 10K month. What if instead, you start dreaming about having 50K months?
We get stuck in the bare minimum. We tell ourselves, “Oh, I just want to make enough to pay my bills.” Is that actually what you want? Or do you want a life where you never have to worry about money again?
Do you want a partner who just doesn’t treat you like shit, or do you want a partner who absolutely adores you and worships you and cherishes your heart so much?
We fucking settle so much all the time, and that’s not the energy we’re entering 224 with. So here’s your permission slip: dream bigger than you possibly could ever imagine. Go big or go home. Now’s the time.
Welcome to my own personal journal. Purchase access to THE YEAR THAT WAS now: https://michellepanning.thrivecart.com/the-year-that-was-2024/
Every quarter, I do a life audit…and I’m inviting you to do the same. Sign up for 2024 CLEANUP now: https://michellepanning.thrivecart.com/2024-cleanup/
Want both? Of course you do. You can purchase THE YEAR THAT WAS and 2024 CLEANUP as a BUNDLE right here: https://michellepanning.thrivecart.com/2024-clean-up-the-year-that-was-bundle/
Join The Connected Woman EXPERIENCE: https://michellepanning.com/the-connected-woman-experience
Sign up for The Connected Woman course: https://michellepanning.com/the-connected-woman
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/michellepanning
Website: http://www.michellepanning.com
I get it, girl. I’ve been there too. For years, I was going through the same experiences with men over and over again that left me feeling confused, anxious and pissed off.
I silenced myself in dating and relationships because I was terrified of being judged, rejected and abandoned. It all changed when I went through a break-up and thought “enough is enough. I cannot continue to repeat the same relationships with different men! Something HAS to change!”