Hello, my loves—and happy New Year!
I am soooo fucking excited that it is 2025. I feel like 2024 was an absolute shitshow for so many people—including me. Behind the scenes, there’s been some real dark night of the soul shit going on…but I digress.
I say all the time that we don’t need to wait until a new year to start something new (and that’s true) but even so…there’s nothing that hits like January 1st.
There’s just something about the energy of a new year. It’s filled with inspiration. It’s filled with hope. It’s filled with anticipation and belief and new confidence that you can accomplish all your goals.
There’s no dead energy. There’s no stagnancy. It feels like taking a deep breath. And speaking of energy…let’s talk about energetic shifts.
If you’re reading this blog and/or if you’re one of my podcast listeners, it’s because you want 2025 to be your best year yet. You want to be unrecognizable. You want to be That Bitch. You want to become iconic. You want to be That Girl.
Am I right? Beautiful. Then let’s agree right now: this is going to be the year that you stop playing small.
It’s the year you stop settling for relationships that drain the living shit out of you. It’s the year you stop doubting yourself. It’s the year you step into the most confident, secure, iconic, magnetic version of you. And I want to support you in that.
I want this year to be your ultimate fucking glow-up. I want people from your past to not even recognize you (in the best way) because you are showing up differently in love, in confidence, and in how you see yourself.
I want your self-concept to blow your own mind. I want you to get to January 1st, 2026, and not even know what HAPPENED in 2025.
This is not just going to be about you looking hot in selfies or putting on a brave face and pretending everything’s fine while you’re secretly fucking spiraling in your room. I want this to be a deep, sustainable transformation for you. I want this to be the kind of change that radiates from the inside out and shifts literally everything.
There are a lot of places where your perspective needs to shift to make this happen…but for today, we’re going to focus on your energetic shifts.
Why energetic shifts? Because your energy sets the tone for everything.
Your energy is your calling card. The way that you show up for yourself, for others, for life, for your business, for your relationships, for your sex life, for your health, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah—it all sets the tone for how the world sees you.
So if you’re showing up and saying, “Oh, I’m so confident,” but your energy says otherwise, people can feel that. It’s in the way you carry yourself physically, even if you don’t realize it.
If your shoulders are all slumped over and you’re looking at the ground and you’re not making eye contact, but you’re sitting there going, “No, I’m really so confident,” um… no, you’re not. And everyone knows you’re not.
Now, you can learn how to be confident, but just saying that you are isn’t going to do the job. It’s all about the energy that you embody.
I could teach you how to set boundaries, how to have high standards, etcetera…but people treat you the way that you treat yourself.
So if you are constantly doubting yourself, overanalyzing, over-apologizing, chasing love, chasing breadcrumbs, and settling for the bare minimum, well…that’s the energy that you’re inviting into your life. And it’s going to take some serious energetic shifts to change that.
Let’s take this conversation on energetic shifts one step further: let’s talk about how your energy affects your relationships.
If you constantly speak negatively towards yourself—if your internal dialogue is, “Oh my god, I’m such a fucking idiot,” when you make a mistake, or “I’m such a loser” or “I’m so insecure” when you have an awkward moment, you will attract people who mirror that same dynamic.
Without any energetic shifts, you’ll attract a man who constantly criticizes you and puts you down, or you’ll attract a man where you’re constantly criticizing them. And neither of those are sexy.
But when you create some energetic shifts and start treating yourself like the queen that you are, the world has no choice but to fall in line, because you fall so deeply in love with yourself that anyone else who comes into your life is a bonus, not the center. When you meet a man, they become the cherry on top of your already-full sundae.
So, if your energy sets the tone for everything, it’s really important that you manage your energy in a way that supports you.
There’s a reason why all these “It” girls on the internet are talking about getting your greens and going for hot girl walks and getting your steps in…though you by no means HAVE to do all these things to be healthy and confident. This is about energetic shifts, not full personality overhauls.
You don’t need to wake up and do a ten-step skincare routine and then drink your green powder and then go for 20,000 steps if those things don’t support you.
However, part of committing to energetic shifts means fueling your body with things that make you feel good, drinking water, seeing the sun, getting some movement in, etcetera. Whatever these things look like for you, they all help manage your energy.
Here’s an example: there have been so many times in my life where I literally haven’t had a sip of water in, like, four fucking days because I’ve just been living on Coke.
And listen, I love Coca-Cola. I capital L-O-V-E it. I’ll never give it up. It adds to my day.
But that doesn’t mean I don’t need to balance it out with water. Because otherwise, I won’t have water for fucking days, and I’ll be laying in bed scrolling, and I’ll look up and go, “Oh my god, I’m depressed.”
Umm…no, bitch, you’re not depressed. You’re dehydrated. Drink some f*cking water.
To start energetic shifts in that direction, I suggest that every morning, you sit and ask yourself, “How do I want to show up today?” And if it’s supportive for you, write it down.
Let’s say you want to feel magnetic. Do you feel magnetic when you’re going to the shop in your pajamas? Maybe—or maybe not.
Maybe for you, energetic shifts start with actually putting on an outfit that makes you feel good, putting on a little bit of makeup, and washing your hair gives you that extra energy to make you feel good. Maybe that’s what lets you show up feeling magnetic.
Maybe you couldn’t care less about your outfit, but you know that if you skip breakfast or pretend iced coffee is the only meal you need for the morning, you’re going to end up hating the world by 2 PM. If you make eating an actual meal in the morning a priority, that could be one of the energetic shifts that gives you the boost you need to show up confidently all day long.
Your energy sets the tone for your life—so when it comes to energetic shifts, show up as a version of you who already has everything she desires. Create the routines that woman would have. Form the habits that woman would have. Speak to yourself the way you would if you were already that woman.
Self-worth is the foundation of every glow-up. So stop settling, raise your standards, and start acting like you’re already That Girl—the girl you see in your head when you dream about being your most iconic, most confident self.
She’s in there—but she’s never going to come out if you keep treating her like shit.
Relationships are mirrors. Make the energetic shifts you need to make to shift what you attract.
Take tangible steps to elevate your confidence. Move your body. Let yourself be seen. Upgrade your space. Think about what you’re putting on your body, in your body, and around your body. Radiate the energy that you want to attract.
Like I said, 2025 is going to be your year to become unrecognizable—not because you have changed who you are, but because you have finally stepped into who you’ve always been and who you know that you can be.
If you’re ready to do the work and you want to learn all the things about becoming magnetic, delusionally confident, and iconic, then come join me in my newly revamped Main Character Energy program. The link is below. It’s easy to find. Just as easy to sign up. No more excuses.
This is your year—let’s make it happen.
Join MAIN CHARACTER ENERGY: https://michellepanning.thrivecart.com/mce-jan-25/
Join The EXPERIENCE, a year-long mentorship for the woman who wants to play in the frequency of big love, epic sex and mind-blowing relationships with men…and herself: https://michellepanning.com/the-experience
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/michellepanning
Website: http://www.michellepanning.com
I get it, girl. I’ve been there too. For years, I was going through the same experiences with men over and over again that left me feeling confused, anxious and pissed off.
I silenced myself in dating and relationships because I was terrified of being judged, rejected and abandoned. It all changed when I went through a break-up and thought “enough is enough. I cannot continue to repeat the same relationships with different men! Something HAS to change!”