Struggling with relationships, emotions, and everything in between?
Been there, done that!
In this post, I’ll be sharing a little bit about who I am, why I’m here, and how you can start to reclaim your self-worth WITHOUT needing the validation of men.
So, if you’re ready to drop all insecurities and doubts and learn more about transforming into the confident women you know you’re destined to be, then keep reading.
A little about me and how I got here.
I was a stripper for 11 years and basically thought I knew everything about everything.
In reality, I was just a 19-year-old girl who wanted to get paid to party and get validation from men.
If one out of ten guys said no to a lap dance, I would constantly question my self-worth and ask myself things like…
What the hell is wrong with me?
Why doesn’t he like me?
Is it because I’m fat or too tall?
This “attitude” ended up spiraling into ALL of my future relationships… Here’s what most of my relationships ended up looking like: attracting emotionally unavailable men who couldn’t access their emotions, would give no communication, and cause a lot of drama. Let’s just say it was verrrrryy push and pull.
The trip that changed my self-worth.
After a very hard (and unexpected) breakup, I saw a post about a yoga and meditation retreat in Thailand.
It just so happened that I had no work for six weeks and, long story short, I was in Thailand less than a week later.
Keep in mind, I have NEVER done anything like this before in my life.
Something in my soul was just telling me to go for it…
While I was there, I learned a lot of inner child work and started reading about attachment theory.
I did a whole bunch of workshops around sexuality and basically everything I teach now.
After the trip, I (unfortunately) still dated emotionally unavailable people.
After I continued doing the work I did in Thailand, I slowly realized that I was the one who was emotionally unavailable.
It took a lot of internal work, it was challenging but so rewarding at the same time.
Stop blaming men for the way you feel about yourself.
It’s always easy to say it’s a man’s fault. We’ve alllll been there…
But, my advice? Water your OWN damn lawn first!
We have to start with ourselves first. I’ve seen so many women put their own needs and desires to the side for the sake of the tiniest crumb of love.
They don’t believe they are worthy of love because we live in a culture that says you have to DO something to be worthy of love.
Whether you’re single, in a relationship, married, or you’ve never been in a relationship, it doesn’t matter. It’s all about connecting deeply to yourself and your self-worth so that you can experience REAL intimacy with men.
I’ve learned that you can only go as far and as deep with someone else as you can with yourself.
Vulnerability is okay.
Being scared is okay.
Master the Art of Connection With Yourself and Reclaim Your Self-Worth: The Bottomline
Thank you so much for reading! I hope this post helps reclaim your self-worth and teaches you to never look to a man for validation on how worthy you really are. Always remember, you deserve to feel safe and secure in all your relationships.
Be sure to connect with me more over on Instagram, I’d love to hear what you thought of this post and what your major takeaways were.
I get it, girl. I’ve been there too. For years, I was going through the same experiences with men over and over again that left me feeling confused, anxious and pissed off.
I silenced myself in dating and relationships because I was terrified of being judged, rejected and abandoned. It all changed when I went through a break-up and thought “enough is enough. I cannot continue to repeat the same relationships with different men! Something HAS to change!”