Have you ever called a man lazy, stupid, or all the other words in the book?
If you’re like any normal person, you probably answered yes to that question.
In this post today, I’m here to help you throw away that mentality about men so that you can build a fulfilling relationship. I’m going to dive deep into the reason women say they hate men buuuut want a relationship with one at the same exact time.
So, if you’re ready to change your beliefs around men and create a healthy relationship with one, keep on reading!
Why you can’t hate men but want a relationship with one.
I want you to think about this for a second…
If the roles were reversed and a man said he wanted a really deep fulfilling relationship with a woman but he also hates women and thinks they’re all cheaters…WTF would you think about that?
Nobody is going to want to be with someone who has such resentment and hatred towards them.
I understand that you’re hurt and I’m not shaming anyone at all but these generalizations about men have got to go (trust me, I’ve been there and I was that girl). Let me just say this…your beliefs create your reality.
That’s what’s going to show up in the world if you keep on believing these thoughts about men.
Pay attention to your beliefs about men.
I had this thing where I believed men didn’t choose me. I’m not the girl they can commit to, I’m just the girl they have fun with. I would be the girl that they sleep with and fall in love with and then all of a sudden they flip on me.
That used to be ALL I believed.
When this happened, I would be completely lost. I felt them shut down and pull away. Now I can say that I 100% contributed to this. My belief was “I never get chosen” and look what happened.
I was looking for annnny tiny little hints of them pulling away and I would run with it. This would make my energy shift and I would become really frantic and anxious.
The point of this story is that whatever you keep reaffirming to yourself will KEEP reappearing. If you want a real fulfilling relationship with men, it starts with you and your beliefs.
Here’s what you can do: Make a list of all your beliefs around men (positive or negative). Go through them one by one and ask yourself “is this serving me”. Look at your beliefs and see which ones you want to keep and which ones you don’t. You’re not going to shift your belief in one day I mean let’s be real right? It takes practice, effort, and repetitiveness.
Find examples of men who mirror your positive beliefs.
What I did when I wanted to start shifting my beliefs around men was look for examples of healthy men everywhere.
I followed men on Instagram with really beautiful hearts. I would also find examples of men who were relationship coaches and just see what they posted.
Doing this was a HUGE game changer for me. I wanted to see how shifting my energy around men would impact my relationship with them. I’ve realized that men feel just as deeply as women do, we have just generalized them into having terrible emotions.
If you want a beautiful healthy relationship with men, you have to start to love men.
Want a Real and Fulfilling Relationship? Stop Having This Mentality Towards Men: The Bottomline
Thank you so much for reading! I hope this post helps you see that there is a good side to just about every man. When you love all men, this in itself will shift your relationship with your partner and get you to appreciate them more. Remember, you create the life you want with your beliefs!
Be sure to connect with me more over on Instagram, I’d love to hear what you thought of this post and what your major takeaways were.
I get it, girl. I’ve been there too. For years, I was going through the same experiences with men over and over again that left me feeling confused, anxious and pissed off.
I silenced myself in dating and relationships because I was terrified of being judged, rejected and abandoned. It all changed when I went through a break-up and thought “enough is enough. I cannot continue to repeat the same relationships with different men! Something HAS to change!”